And we're now officially in a state of calamity. I hope the funds released will all go towards helping the needy instead of lining the pockets of the callous. It seems my acquaintances are not the only people worrying about losing relief funds. Every so often commentors on news sites leave messages with this theme: concern over relief funds or goods.
I remember stories about misdirected goods; someone wanted to steal them. Or evacuees being held at evacuation centers so officials can continue to receive relief funds. Sometimes food and medicine would be discovered months later hidden away and expired or rotten. A person must have paid with his life because of someone's greed.
There would be some investigation then something new will take the limelight. The cases fade from public awareness. Then they fade from public memory and turn into stories and myths. People forget. The guilty escape.
If anyone has misgivings about sending donations to the government then please send it to a private entity you trust. Some corporations have foundations set up for this purpose. An alternative is to give aid through NGOs and international agencies like the Red Cross. And that doesn't just apply to the Philippines. Indonesia and Samoa were also struck by tragedy this week. I'm sure they'd appreciate help too.
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