Tuesday, May 31, 2011

DOT's Domestic Tourism Campaign Logo

And Here it is!

'Pilipinas Tara Na!' tourism campaign rolled out

Fortunately for us, this is for the domestic tourism campaign. That means the use of colloquial Pilipino is only appropriate, in fact it's downright necessary for certain market segments.

What I can't wrap my head around is the design. Domestic campaign or otherwise, this design is not that appealing. Check the comments under the Yahoo article. A number of our countrymen find it too juvenile. A couple of people called it dated, appropriate for the 80s. According to some online papers this is supposed to be from Perceptions, Inc. which is, according to Perception's website:

We are a diverse and dynamic agency with the passion for excellence, creativity and innovation - resulting in effective campaigns, strong and long-lasting client partnerships and recognition via local and international PR Awards. Among these are the Golden World Award from the International Public Relations Association and the Anvil Awards from the Public Relations Society of the Philippines, including the Grand Anvil, which Perceptions has won thrice beginning 2001.
Considering their track record, I wonder if someone else decided to make design decisions for this logo. Perception did the logo for the 23rd SEA Games which is very imaginative. You cans see why I think someone's been looking over the shoulders of the design team. (Errata! check the bottom of this post)

The only troublesome note is the similarities to their Tara na sa Malaysia campaign but that's a minor thing. I think they have enough ability to overcome something like a bad logo design. Besides there is always the possibility of improving the logo during the campaign.

To revisit a similar issue - if you recall we had a similar problem with the Pilipinas Kay Ganda campaign draft. One Design had a good suggestion for that one: Just update WOW Philippines.

Errata: the SEA Games logo was made by Joel Manalastas. Very sorry for the oversight Mr. Manalastas. It seems Perceptions wrote a song for the SEA Games. I can only assume some of the logos they have on their page were made by them or by their contacts. So why the change in quality? The mystery of the new logo continues.

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